Monday, 21 February 2011

Night Night

Obviously, as I completed a very in depth project about sleep, I cannot help myself when I see someone has too.. I've become quite the critic!

So Night Night. Not a bad idea, but not a brilliant one. I like what she is attempting to do but feel she has failed at it.

The idea is that since it takes between 10-20 minutes for someone to drift off to sleep, this light, once tipped will begin the 15 minute timer, releasing the sand to cover up the light and placing you into darkness.

This means that as soon as you are ready to go to sleep, instead of turning off the light, you will turn one on?! If I'm being honest, I feel it is lacking depth and purpose.

I think if she designed this for kids as a sleep aid then she is onto something. How many children ask for the light to remain on until they are sound asleep?! If she designed this to mums and young children then I believe she will have a brilliant product on sleep, and not just an idea.

designed by: Vanessa Hordies -website is incomplete - Dezeen has more information!

Disassembly: Product Photography

I really love these. The photographer has (shamelessly) taken vintage technology apart to get these methodical exploded views.

There is a brilliant video on his website (link below) showing him at work. I rather enjoyed watching him reunite all the parts and rearrange them to capture the best picture possible.

photographer: Todd McLellan

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Esper Domino

エスパードミノ from jarashi on Vimeo.

This is an excellent piece to show off the beauty of programming with everyday objects! Smart and fun!!

designed by: Jarashi Suki and IAMAS Ubiquitous Interaction Research Group